Putin Huylo is an 8% abv super charged IPA full of American hops and English Malts. Ready to drink in 3 weeks time.
The Allies of the world supplying the ingredients to help our brothers in Ukraine.
The desperate situation in Ukraine created by Russian president Vladimir Putin has been a horror to watch on our TV screens. It is unbelievable that this is actually not a film but reality. We have all struggled with what we can do to help unsure what real difference we can make. Well now here is our chance.
We are going to brew a beer for Ukraine and we will continue to do it until Russia has been beaten. We are brewing 500 bottle batches of beer for our friends at Pravda Theatre Brewery who will distribute the profits to the people of Lviv. They are currently unable to brew to full capacity because they are struggling with sales, supplies and because their brewing team is training with the armed forces to defend their city. All we need from you is to buy a beer. This batch will create £10 per bottle in profit so it will deliver £5000 to the humanitarian effort in Ukraine.
We have been helped with free ingredients, services and expertise from these wonderful companies:
Warminster Malting, Brewers Select, Rawlings Glass, Pid Labelling, Copyrite Exmouth, Truly Intelligent Business, Dancing Badger Exeter, Pravda Theatre Brewery, Cory McGuinness, Your Social Media, Just Purr-fect, Avocet Wealth Management, Bayleaf Cafe Exmouth, The whole team at Crossed Anchors Brewing and The Grapevine Brewhouse,