
Showing all 12 results

  • American Pale Ale

    4.2% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Tasting Notes
    This American Pale Ale is out most popular selling beer.  It is a modern style beer that while full bodied has a refreshing bitterness.  It is dry hopped with Centennial, Citra, Mosaic, Simcoe and Cascade hops and is a perfect example of American style pale ales.  This beer comes in a 750ml bottle and is brewed, bottled, labelled and conditioned by us in our Exmouth brewery.

  • Big Red Ale

    5.3% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Tasting Notes
    As the label suggest this is a big red ale, full of Devon Malt from Warminster Malting and Pilgrim hops from Ken this is a classic strong red English ale.  Brewed at 5.3% abv and packed full of flavour.

  • Bitter Exe

    4.0% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    If you like a traditional British Best bitter this is the beer for you, brewed using the finest Maris Otter from Warminster Malting and using the finest English hops.  One of our best sellers, this beer comes in a 750ml bottle and is brewed, bottled, labelled and conditioned by us in our Exmouth brewery.

  • CAB Lager

    4.1% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    One of our best selling beers this lager is a cracker.  Brewed from Deon malt and English hops it is clean, crisp and easy drinking a proper thirst quencher!!

  • Exe Porter

    4.7% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    A true Dark and Traditional Porter.  Full of Devon Malt and English hops this beer is very dark and very unctuous.

  • Exmouth IPA

    5.7% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    A super juicy IPA, brewed to 5.7% abv.  Expect loads of fruity notes and emanating from this super pale beer.  Hazy in the glass and full bodied this beer named by one of our customers is a classic IPA.

  • Goa Guru

    5.8% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    Inspired by all thing India, this amazing Milk shake IPA is a game changer, using Sabro and Mosaic hops our brewer has blended these flavours to create a second to none IPA.  A great example of these ever popular styles.

  • Le Douff

    4.7% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    A light and bright session IPA, brewed to a full 4.7% abv and full of Mosaic and Citra hops.  A craft beer drinkers dream and one of our most popular beers!!

  • Sweet Session O’mine

    3.8% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    A bright clean and hoppy session IPA.  The brainchild of our brewery this session beer blends the Amarillo and Mosaic hops in a pale devon brew to make a fantastic easy drinking beer.

  • Top Sesh IPA

    3.5% abv | 750ml bottle £6.00

    Taster Notes
    A Jester and mosaic fueled session IPA, low in abv. but packed with flavour and style. A really nice tasting session beer.
    Brewed using the finest Devon malts.

  • Bee-serker

    8.5% abv | 750ml bottle £12.00

    This beer is a Braggot, full of strength and fortified with the finest heather honey from Afon Mel in Wales. This beer is brewed in conjunction with More Mead and brewed to 8.5% abv this is full bodied and unctuous in the extreme.  The bottle size is 750ml and is hand bottled, labelled and conditioned […]

  • Crossed Anchors Pint Glass


    Now you can enjoy your Crossed Anchors beer in your very own Crossed Anchors glass.